Everyone interested in helping and getting involved with Brentwood Climate Action – here’s your chance! Please complete the linked form ASAP, so that: we can keep you informed via email you can tell us what skills you have and how you can contribute to Brentwood Climate Action you can express interest in a project area… Continue reading
Month: August 2021

Save the date – September 16
Save the date! Our next Brentwood Climate Action members meeting is set to take place on the evening of Thursday September 16. Full time and venue details to be confirmed as soon as possible. That was one of the many things discussed at the latest steering group meeting last night, as well as outline plans… Continue reading

Brentwood Climate Action launches
A new non-political campaign group promising community-wide action to tackle the climate emergency was launched last week, at a well-attended kickstart meeting of Brentwood Climate Action. More than 40 people took part in the first meeting held at Chicken and Frog bookshop in Crown Street, in-person and online via Zoom, on Thursday August 12. Susan… Continue reading