Come and join members of Brentwood Climate Action as we take part in two Litter Pick events in town on Saturday April 9 – as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign.
Our latest members meeting at Chicken and Frog bookshop and also via Zoom on Thursday (March 24) agreed the time and dates for the events.
We will be holding two on the same day – and hope to see a mass turnout at the Courage Playing Fields in Shenfield (11am-12pm), and King George’s Playing Fields (3.30-4.30pm). We have Brentwood Climate Action hi-vis vests and litter pickers for attendees to use! But you may want to bring some gloves.
We hope to see you there. And we’ve produced a poster you can download, print and display to encourage others to come along too.

The meeting was our first of 2022 and covered a wide range of topics.
Members were again encouraged to sign up to at least one of our Action Groups via WhatsApp, links to which were circulated with the meeting invitation. If you’re not sure how to do that, or want to find out more about the Action Groups and how you could get involved, then please email us at
These are our forums for taking projects and ideas forward. The various Group Co-ordinators are also on our Steering Group, and will be invited to feed back progress at future bi-monthly meetings.
There were reports on the night from the Education Group – including outline plans for our second Schools Climate Change Conference at St Martin’s School in late June – the Finance Group, and the Lobbying Group.
It was agreed that we would continue to meet in a hybrid format with our base as the Chicken & Frog bookshop in Crown Street, and also using Zoom. The members meeting will be every two months.
Next Meetings:
- Tuesday 17 May, 7.30pm
- Thursday 14 July, 7.30pm
Download a copy the minutes: